Doug The Dino

Doug The Dino

Doug was part of the GoGo Trails around Norfolk in 2022 to raise money for Break Children’s Charity. He was created by the artist Matt Reeve and designed to look like a fossil complete with mud!

While on duty he was located outside the Forum in Norwich, and is now in retirement at West Runton Beach Cafe.

The GoGo Dinosaur Trail Sign
Nature Nick Acheson spreading the love!
A hardy pair of trippers keeping Doug company
Even the Environment Agency stopped for a chat
The legend that is Matt " The Beard" 
Somewhere over the rainbow!
Keeping watch at the entrance to the beach
Norfolk Wildlife Trust girls having a well deserved ice cream
Matt Reeves, Doug's creator, giving some dental treatment after receiving damage
The artist Matt Reeve, Doug's Creator
Abby and Lauren getting ready for the day
Isla and Rosie making time for ice cream and a quick chat
Doug trying to steal Claire's donuts!